Monday, March 17, 2008

Sheet no . 14

** Click on image to enlarge


► bone of thigh.
►longest bone in the body.
►It’s length is presenting 1/4 of the person’s height.
►It’s bowing anteriorly to give it's strength for weight bearing [minimize the load].
►It is example of long bones.
►It is example of compact bone tissue.
►It has the following parts:

І-Proximal end:

A. Head:

►About 2/3 of a sphere
►Covered by hyaline cartilage
►Articulate with the acetabulum to form hip joint
►Located medial
►Has a small pit [cavity] called fovea capitis [head]

B. Neck:

►Narrow part
►Commonly fractured in old ladies [because of multiple pregnancies]àOsteoporosis
►Neck unites with shaft by forming an angel about 123ْ in males, but larger in
females [more space for pelvis]

C. Greater trochanter:


D. Lesser trochanter:

►Small medial
►Conical in shape
►for muscle attachment
E. Intertrochanteric line:
►Rough line connect both trochanters anteriorly
F.Intertrochanteric crest:
►Connect both trochanters posteriorly


►Bowing anteriorly
►Has convex smooth anterior surface
►Rough concave posterior surface àForming a rough line called linea[line] aspra [rough] for muscle attachment

Ш-Distal end:

►Medial condyle: articulation
►Lateral condyle: articulation
►Medial epicondyle: muscle attachment
►Lateral epicondyle: muscle attachment
►Intercondylar notch (fossa): for cruciate ligaments
►Patellar surface of femur: for articulation with patella ,[if you move it, it move over the femur]

**All above covered by hyaline cartilage [smooth soundless frictionless movement , but in old people the smooth surface become rough again]


**Bones of the leg:

►2 in #

A. Tibia:

►long, The larger , located medial
►For weight bearing
►Has the following parts:

І- Proximal end:

1-Medial condyle

2- Lateral condyle

**Both condyles Articulate with condyles of femur(med. With med. / lat. With lat.)

3-Superior articular surface called "tibial plateau" : a shallow surface which is deepened by the 2 cartilages between femur and tibia.

►Some times one or both cartilages are torn due to excessive exercise or abuse.

4- Tibial tuberosity:

►It’s the insertion site for quadriceps femoris which extend the knee

►You cant extend your knee in these cases:
tendon of quadriceps was abused
Tibial tuberosity was dislocated because of running for long distances or as a result of servant disease [Osgood-schlatter disease]àOsteochondrosis of tibial tuberosity

5- Soleal line:

►Oblique , posterior

►Attachment for Soleus muscle àwhich act as pumpàpumping blood in the lower limb against gravity , and without it the blood in the lower limb will be stagnant(agglomerate).

И- Shaft of tibia :

►∆ in C.S

►Has 3 borders : anterior [subcutaneous] ,medial , lateral

►Has 3 surfaces: anterior ,medial [subcutaneous] , lateral

**Most of tibia is subcutaneous à poor in blood supply

Ш- Distal end :

1.Medial malleolusà rounded large processà subcutaneous

2.Inferior articular surface à it transmits half of the body weight to the tarsal bones [bones of the ankle ]

N.B: fractures of ankle take more time to heal than any other part in the body because of it's weight bearing function.


►Lateral smaller bone
►Not for weight bearing ,but for muscle attachment

Head: articulate with lateral condyle of tibia


-Distal :

Lateral malleoulus subcutaneous

With my best wishes

1 comment:

danyalkakakhel said...

Very useful and Simple points.
Thanks for the upload.