Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sheet no. 13

Male Genital system :

Parts :

1)Two testis
2)Two vas deferens(ductus deferens)
3)Two epididymis
4)Two seminal vesicles
5)One prostate
6)One urethra

Testis: [1]
-Paired organs dedicated to produce the male hormone called Testosterone and spermatozoa(sperms).

-2cm wide/3cm thick/4cm long.

-Ovoid organs located within pouch of skin called Scrotum outside the body.

-To functionàthe testis does not function on body temperature(37 degree) but on 3 degrees below it(34 degree) for production of sperms to happen otherwise they will not function at all.

-That is why if testis does not migrate from it's original position (normally)which is located at posterior abdominal wall(the same as ovary)àwe have to descend it down to it's functional position(outside body) by surgical operation.

N.B: the ovary function inside the body at it's temperature(37 degree) unlikely to testis.

-Clinical Note: if the fetus has completed the full term(9 months) and testis or ovary remains in post.abd.wall then it must be descended down by surgical operation.
-testisàinside bodyà(zero-shaped) 0
àoutside bodyà(rounded)

***Testis is divided into parts called:
1-Testicular lobules:

>each is pyramidal in shape
>each testis contain 250 of them(for both 500)
>1-4 tubule in each
***each testicular lobule contain
2-Seminiferous tubules:
>highly coiled blind tube(blind tube: one way or direction tube)
>(30-70)cm long
>produce spermatozoa(sperms)
N.B: sperms move only in one direction inside S.t
Spermatogenesis (sperm production)start in male at puberty it ends nearly on age 60
Oomatogenisis (ovum production)start in female at birth
So it ends nearly on age 45.


-Highly convoluted tubule
-6M in length(sperm will grow until maturation during passage through it)
-divided into head, body and tail
-it stores and matures sperms after being produced by testis

[3]Vas deferens

-long muscular tube
-45cm long
-It extends from tail of epididymis to ejaculatory duct close to seminal vesicle.
-It conveys mature sperms from…to…(mentioned in point 3).

[4]Seminal vesicle

-two horn-shaped organs
-on posterior surface of urinary bladder
-each form of 15cm coiled tube(not a sac)
-secrete Fructose important for sperm motility
-rich seminal fluid that constitute by 70% to ejaculate
-resemble testis where both contain tubes
-it is the only organ in body that secretes fructose so women doesn't secrete fructose at all.

N.B: Fructose is used in forensic medicine as evidence for sexual assault(rape).

N.B: our source of fructose is from plants.


-base above/apex below
-below urinary bladder
-pyramidal-shaped fibro muscular glandular organ(chestnut shaped)
-surrounds prostatic urethra that passes through it
-form of 5 lobes
-receive ejaculatory duct in urethra coming from vas deferens and seminal vesicle
-secrete alkaline fluid(alkaline phosphatase)to neutralize the vaginal acidic secretions
-secrete product that prevents infection

N.B: there must be two conditions for sperm motility
2)Alkaline phosphatase
N.B: the contracepted pills prevent pregnancy either by
1)increase acidity of vagina(vagina dosh)
2)decrease amount of progesterone/estrogen.

N.B: in both male and female the genital organs are posterior to urinary bladder and anterior to rectum with difference that female G.organs are larger because of uterus.

N.B: Aorta artery divides into right and left common iliac arteries and each of them gives also external and internal branches.
-internal: for pelvic organs and internal structures(U.B/Rectum/Vagina/prostate…etc).
-external: for lower limbs.

I'd like to dedicate my work to all my colleagues in faculty

16 days remaining for exam

God help us

With my best wishes

Yezan Atoom

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