Monday, March 3, 2008

sheet # 8

Posterior compartment of the upper arm
Made of one muscle only: Triceps Muscle:
· Muscle with 3 heads forming the posterior compartment.
· Origin:
o Long head ( which is the most medial in position): infraglenoid tubercle of scapula.
o Lateral head: posterior surface of humerus above the radial groove.
o Medial head: posterior surface of humerus below the radial groove.
· Insertion: olecranon process of ulna.
· Nerve supply: radial nerve.
· Action: extension of elbow + long head acts on shoulder causing adduction.
· Arterial supply: profunda (deep) brachii artery.


Revision of axilla
· Superficial veins in the upper limb are two in number:
1. Cephalic vein (upper)
§ Found in the superficial fascia.

2. Basilic vein (lower)
§ Found in the superficial fascia, and in the middle of the upper arm it leaves the superficial fascia deep to the deep fascia.

Ø Both end at the axillary vein.
· Axillary vein:

o Starts at the union of basilic vein with deep veins of brachial artery (the base of brachial artery), these veins accompany the brachial artery and commit themselves for that artery, that’s why they are called venae comitantes (singular: vena comitans)

o Only deep arteries in the body have accompanying veins (venae comitantes) which are two in number, because they are hard workers.

o While superficial arteries are accompanied by only one vein.

o After the mentioned union, the axillary vein continues in the axilla then it will end at the outer border of the 1st rib where it receives cephalic vein to continue as subclavian vein.

o Axillary vein accompanies the axillary artery throughout its course but in reverse direction.
Upper arm arterial supply

· Brachial artery:
o Starts at the lower border of teres major.
o It ends at the opposite neck of radius by dividing into radial artery (lateral) & ulnar artery (medial).
o Supplies the upper arm through 3 branches:
1. Deep brachial artery:
§ Called profunda (= deep in Latin) artery.
§ Supplies mainly posterior compartment of the upper arm.
2. Superior ulnar collateral artery:
§ Collateral = companion.
3. Inferior ulnar collateral artery:
Ø Both 2 and 3 accompany the ulnar nerve through its course.


Wrist Bones (carpals)

· Carpal bones are 8 in number
· They are divided into 2 raws; proximal & distal each raw made of 4 bones, which have concave anterior surface (aspect), and convex posterior surface.
· They are examples of short bones.
1. Proximal raw (from lateral to medial)
I. Scaphoid (boat like)
II. Lunate (moon like)
III. Triquetrum (cube shaped)
IV. Pisiform
2. Distal raw (from lateral to medial)
I. Trapezium
II. Trapezoid
III. Capitates
IV. Hamate
Susan Leaning Toward Peter To Take Cold Hand
Samee7a Lazem Tel3ab Poker Te5sar Teksab Klo Halas

· = after carpals
· 5 in number
· Named from lateral to medial (thumb to little) 1 à 5
· 2 for the thumb: proximal & distal
· 3 for the others: proximal, middle & distal.
Cubital fossa
· Triangular space anterior to the elbow joint.
· Importance: in surgery you recognize what are the structures you will cut and what you will avoid.
· Borders:
§ Lateral border: contains brachioradialis muscle
o Origin: brachium
o Insertion: radius.
§ Medial border: contains pronator teres muscle.
§ Base: contains interepicondylar line.
· Roof: skin, superficial + deep fascia, median cubital vein.
o Median cubital vein:
§ It is a connection between cephalic (lateral), basilic (medial) at the roof
§ A common vein used to obtain samples of blood or to give fluids, drugs or blood. That’s why we tie it, because we want to stop the pathway of the blood.
§ New born children:
o Fat in superficial fascia is brown (while in adults it’s white or yellow), because there are many nuclei.
o We obtain blood from head (scarple) using a needle called butterfly.
· Floor: supinator muscle (lateral), brachialis ( medial)
· Contents (from medial to lateral)
§ medial nerve.
§ Brachial artery and branches.
§ Biceptal tendon (tendon of the biceps)
§ Radial nerve.

· Divided into 2 compartments by 2 intermuscular septi (singular: septum) from the deep fascia:
§ Anterior compartment:
o Called flexor pronator group (or compartment)
o Most originate from medial epicondyle of humerus (CFO: Common Flexor Origin)
o All supplied by median nerve except 1 and half by ulnar nerve.
§ Posterior compartment:
o Called extensor supinator group ( or compartment)
o Most originate from lateral epicondyle of humerus (CEO: Common Extensor Origin)
o All supplied by radial nerve


Anterior Forearm
· Muscles are divided into 3 divisions : superficial (S), intermediate (M), deep (D)
· Deep:
Superficial :
§ 1s: pronator teres:
o Nerve supply: median nerve
o Action: pronator of forearm
§ 2s: Palmaris longus:
o nerve supply: median nerve
o action: flexion of wrist
§ 3s: flexor carpi radialis:
o Nerve supply: median nerve
o Action: flexion and abduction of wrist
§ 4s: flexor carpi ulnaris:
o Nerve supply: ulnar nerve
o Action: flexion & adduction of wrist

Middle :
§ M: flexor digitorum superficialis:
o Origin: medial epicondyle
o Insertion: it divides into 4 tendons to the medial 4 fingers where it is inserted to the middle phalanges.
o Action: flex medial 4 fingers.
o Nerve supply: median nerve.

To all our dear friends whom we loveeee:,
Yazeed neef (3la rasy abu sa5er),
Ma2moon sha3ban (king of our faculty), A7mad Abu-7lawa , 5aled 7ajjier(king of Jubile) , yazeed 8aisya, alshareef yousef kittaneh, hammam ryalat,hisham 7irzallah, m7md 8tishat, firas nimir , mos6afa abu ra7meh, nidal matani (we7dat o bas 5awa), amjad 3yyash, 3omar el7aj, m7md taiseer, 7azem abu 39beh(abu sala7), m7md al fa8eeh, a7mad shalabi, osama al5aleel, 3’azy allozy, 3omar allozy, m7md fozy, 3omar somrain , wa2el 3alawna, muhannad budair,3la2 el 8aisy, nosayba jalodi, anas, m7md 3abbod, samer demasy,samer ma7aree8,m7md karaky, naji abu rshaid,a7mad yousef, 7asan abu sokar, 3ammar 3arabyat, fares as3ad, fares ma6ar, 3bd elra7man roshdy, 3mr 5aleely,3omar 5aleel,wa2el 6ouqan, 3bd elra7man 3attili, far7an elkooz, martin qaqish,m7md sa3eed, m7md 3assaf, m7md bassam, fahed 3adel, m7md wazeer,9ohaib 3abbadi,Ibrahim abu deya, m7md abu sharkas,mo3ath ze3by,zaid,3omar qasem,5aled 6alab,mo3ath 3amer,3wamra,m7md 3ersan….
Special thanks 4: 7amza somrain & mazen sha3ban from 2nd year & a7la ta7yya 4 .3abderra7man 8asem from 3rd year.
A7ar al ta3azi for A7mad Abu-7alawa who lost his grandmother, and Majd who lost hers.
Palastine in our hearts, never forget, we will die for it. Ya rab sa3ed ahelna fee 3’azza
Best wishes 4 all medical students in ju.
Mo2ayad Kittaneh, 7amza Jassar
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