Wednesday, March 5, 2008

sheet no. 10


Thicked wall pear-shaped muscular organ
Located between urinary bladder anterior and rectum posterior
Found in: -pelvis (non pregnant ladies)
-abdominal pelvic cavity (pregnant ladies)

Has the following parts :


Located above the entrance of fallopian tubes
It is tilting(bending) forward
Press urinary bladder<>

Body :

It is about 2 inch in length
Has a triangular cavity called uterine cavity with three openings
tow uterine tubes above
internal os of cervix below
has anterior wall and posterior wall
posterior wall is the common site for
implantation of fertilized ovum(zygote). That’s why a pregnant lady is advised to sleep on her back to avoid abortion in the first 3 months of pregnancy and to assure good implantation.
Anterior wall is not good site for implantation and in case of that pregnant lady is advised to sleep upside down.

The most sensitive part in the female genital system.
Cylindrical about one inch in length
Has the following parts (from out to in):

external opining(external os)
it is circular in a lady never delivered a baby (never pregnant) (nullipara)
it is horizontal in lady with multy pregnancy (multipara)
doctors measure the width of the external os by inserting their fingers
external os is important to know if the lady has been delivered a baby before or not

internal opening (internal os)
communicate the cervix with uterine body

cervical canal:
a spindle shaped canal
communicating vagina with uterine cavity between internal and external os
it is the part that dilate before birth
layers forming the walls of uterus :

1-inner layer (endometrium)
transitional epithelium
regenerated every month due to the period
all should removed for good implantation but sometimes part of this layer still exist causing bleeding . that’s why lady with this case her’s endometrium should be removed to build anew layer
the endometrium builds a lining periodically which, if no pregnancy occurs removed by lady’s body

2. myometrium: thickest layer

3.perimetrium : mostly is peritoneum (kind ofmembranes)


Position of uterus:

The uterus is a pelvic organ before pregnancy and abdominopelvic organ in pregnancy (that’s why the pregnant lady can easily be tired and cant lay in her back because baby press on anterior organs especially diaphragm)
The uterus is antiverted and antiflexed (bending forward on the cervix) touching the urinary bladder

Uterus may be bending backward(retroflexed) and retroverted on itself compressing on rectum and that leads to severe low back pain or diarrhorea
Usually pregnancy will not occur leading to abortion
Ladies with this situation is advised to lay on her abdomen
Doctors can fix this situation by pulling uterus from two ligaments

The end

I want to dedicate this sheet to all my friends whom I love especially
Zaid el 7loo, 7anna bar3’ooth, zaid shmessanee, tamara darweesh, 7amzeh jssar,marten 8a8eesh,nidal matani(a7la arsenal….. ma3lesh 7anna mogamaleh),samee7 matani ,abo 86eesh(mohd shwaf)
, el shareef yoossf kettaneh ,3meer el 5aleele,wa2el 6oo8an,feraas nemer,mo2ayad keetaneh,basher el rama7i ,mohd 3abood, a7mad 3ababneh ,mo3ath el ze3be, mohd 3assaf,leena el gaberre-7aneen 5reees(mis 3la raseee wallah), ,hammam ryalat

By: hisham hirzallah

Picture by : Yezan 3toom

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