Wednesday, February 27, 2008


- We have 2 types of cells :
1. Somatic cells : myocytes / osteocytes / hepatocytes which grow in number by a division called by mitosis producing 2 equal daughter cells
2. Sex cells : in the ovary or testis divide using a process called meiosis in which a mother cell gives 2 none equal daughter cells

- In human cells we have 46 chromosomes each chromosome has a maternal part and maternal part joined by a centre part called a Centromere .
- Chromosomes has 2 parts each called a chromatid connected by the centromere

Female Genital system :

Consists of :
1. 2 Ovaries
2. 2 Uterine Tubes
3. Uterus
4. Vagina

A) Ovary : almond-shaped organ located on both sides of the uterus , covered by a modified layer of peritoneum to allow a mature egg to come out easily

- Egg-to-be start to form at age of 5 weeks ( through out pregnancy) . By the age of 3 months the number of egg will reach 7 million .

- At birth the number is around 700000 as the rest have degenerated
- At puberty the number is about 400000 . At this time the eggs are called mature eggs or are ready to be mature
- But only about 400 will succeed to mature and continue to the female cycle

Functions of Ovary :
1. To produce mature eggs ready for fertilization
2. To secrete estrogen and progesterone hormone

- FSH ( follicular stimulating hormone ) secreted by pituitary gland will stimulate the ovary to keep producing and enlarging follicles which in turn produce estrogen
- Estrogen is important because it prepares the uterus
- After ovulation the follicle will produce progesterone which prepares the indometrium to receive the fertalised ovum by increasing thickness and secretions

B) Uterine Tube :
- About 4 inches in length ( 10.16 cm)
- Communicates uterine cavity with abdominal cavity
- Divided into 4 parts :
1. Infundibulum : funnel-shaped umbrella over the ovary with finger-like processes to propel mature ovums from the ovary into the uterine tube
2. Ampulla : widest part , common fertilization site
3. Isthmus : narrowest part of the uterine tube
4. Intra-mural Part ( inside the wall part) : oblique in direction to act as a valve
( sometimes not to allow infection to pass onto to the ovaries , if infection of the uterine tube occurs it will close and infertility would occur)

- If ovum is implanted early in the uterine tube forming a uterine pregnancy causing severe bleeding and rupture of the uterine tube ( thus formed in an abnormal site of pregnancy)

To all my friends specially : Abulloz ( omar al lozi), Shmais ( zaid shmaisaini), Nidal matani ( arsenalawi ikhs ), Ghalib khirfan,waleed sharaf, Morsi( omar dodin),zaid qandeel, Shawaf(mohammad qtaishat),hammam ryalat,firas nimir,zaid amin,hussain asad.

By : Hanna Barghout


Anonymous said...

niiiice, thanx 4 everything
keep going =)

Anonymous said...

a7la shabab wala 3a ra9i

Basheer Zghoul said...

excellent work !
Thanks a lot..